New home with B & E Productions

INTERNATIONAL: Quest for Jackie Chan! India Club

YOUR COMMENTS: On Encore Magazine - Filmmakers go to China

MEDIA: Has anyone seen Maria Tran?

SOURCE: http://www.ice.org.au/newswire/2010/12/has-anyone-seen-maria-tran/
She’s on the Quest for Jackie Chan and has sent ICE a video update of her travels across Australia and now beyond to Asia.
Her “Quest”, it is an adventure she embarked on about a year ago to try and meet Jackie Chan. She’s really into action film and thinks that the Aussie film industry could do with a little more Kung Fu. Perhaps if she just gets to meet the legend himself … well … who knows what could happen!
For Maria it is more about the journey than the destination.
Throughout her journey she has come across linkages and synergies that branch out from the stories generated from “Jackie Chan” that crosses over to martial arts, action film genre, comedy, independent filmmaking, stunts, youth culture, globalisation, pop culture, generation XYZ, the list is endless.
You’ve heard of the term ‘Transmedia’? Well, no pun intended but Maria Tran’s a perfect example of how new media techniques coupled with storytelling can activate global messaging and participation.
Here’s what Wikipedia says: “Transmedia storytelling is a technique of telling stories across multiple platforms and formats, recognized for its use by mass media to develop media franchises.”
Check out Maria Tran’s (media) video and follow her on Twitter
CALL OUT: Quest for Jackie Chan! Interns based in Hong Kong
TRAINING: With actress Rachel Poon & Bey Logan
RETROSPECTIVE: Downtown Rumble on ABC/ JTV Australian TV

PEOPLE: Face to face with Bey Logan

A little bit about Bey…
Bey is like the expert on Hong Kong cinema. He’s also a whole bunch of different things, such as an active screenwriter and film producer. Actually no amount of my writings of Bey will cover it so please tune in to his Wikipedia page for further discoveries.
My first instance of meeting was at his office based in Sheung Wan, Hong Kong, about 10
minutes by train from where I was staying. We immediately has a good chat and catch up about the filmmaking realm and also his own exciting horror slasher flick “Snowblade” that is productively in development.
I am fascinated with how things work here in Hong Kong. In particular to the synergies between people and projects (good or bad) gets churned out. Unlike Australia, we would possibly struggle for 5-10 years in getting a project backed up, made and distributed.

Bey and his B & E Productions (its stands for “Breaking and Entering” funky hey?) have also
wrapped up on action flick “The Blood Bond”, which Bey has kindly given me a copy of. I spent 6 hours on a lonely night,
locked away in my Mirador Mansion (its really a shoebox) reading all 26 chapters. It’s a very good read and I enjoyed Mr Logan’s style of writing and character development of Deva (Phoenix Valen) and Tremayne (Michael Biehn). I must admit, I haven’t seen the feature film of it yet, but the book seems like a much better and thorough version of the story.
For the electronic version of “The Blood Bond” click here.
Anyhow, I’ve been spending some time with Bey training in the
art of Hung Gar Kung Fu at the Star Ferry Pier, under the clock tower at 12 noon with Mak Sifu and a number of actors/ actresses.
Bey has helped me out by calling around to Jackie Chan’s management team to see if I can book in an interview session for my project “Quest for Jackie Chan!”. No response as yet, but I hope I get something before I leave Hong Kong. I guess, if not then, my project wraps up with a failed expedition….
With love and signing out,
Maria Tran in HK.
PREDICAMENTS: My Ultimate Financial Crisis...

When the networks and production companies decided that a project of this calibre was just too "weird", "risky" and "unaustralian" I decided to step up and waved my voyage flag that "I will do it" and "I will prove that it can happen". "Anything is possible, right?". Little did I forsee the impact it had on my piggy bank (I worked in community arts, so I didn't have much to start off).
So I stretched what I had, and with a little help from the Fundbreaker supporters, I'm able to start the ignition.
Rock bottom phase 1 hit after the Australia tour. I quickly reacted by grappling any job I could grab - leading me to two months travelling across New South Wales representing Integral Energy.
I recovered enough funds for my second stage - Quest for Jackie Chan! - Hong Kong and booked in two month stay to get use to HK and also find ways to meet kingpin - Jackie Chan. I spent a good 10 days editing a snippet trailer, it was also the first time that I actually checked out what footage I had.
Anyhow, back to the financial crisis, I went through more problems, such as my money being stolen and now the last time I checked my $$$ are dwindling at an all time low that any accommodation costs would kills me for the rest of the 35 days left of HK stay.
My Banner
Quest for Jackie Chan! Showcase Snippet Trailer

It has been one year since the inception of the idea with the goal of meeting Jackie Chan and now looking back, I've come so far from idea to so many connections.
Through this "quest" I've become more aware of the links that the subject of "Jackie Chan" crosses over to martial arts, action film genre, comedy, independent filmmaking, stunts, youth culture, globalisation, pop culture, generation XYZ, the list is endless.
Thank you to all those people who have believed in me, in my vision, keep in mind, its beyond meeting Jackie Chan -- it's a life philosophy that ABC; Anything is possible, Its about becoming aware and creating opportunities.
But will Jackie Chan meet Maria Tran?
The clock is ticking....
TRAVEL: Journey to Hong Kong…

It’s been a good 10 days now since I’ve landed in Hong Kong. Unfortunately for me its been a very sickly one. For 10 days, I spent most of it staying at the New Hong Kong Hostel and only rarely emerging outside these walls. I’ve had a severe (possibly pending) cold/flu as well as now some sort of massive migraine.
And this is the ugly side of the “Quest”. Since September this year I’ve been travelling non stop without any problems and now, since I hit Hong Kong, it has slowed down completely. I know I’m so close, yet my health is really getting in the way. I keep telling myself that I schedule to get better in the next two days so I can actually meet some really cool Jackie Chan linkages. But it just keeps getting pushed back and back and back. Now day 10 and I’m still here.
Anyhow, so far the journey to Hong Kong has been a very enlivening one. I’m staying at the Chungking Mansion. It is not a mansion. Very far from it in actual fact. It is possibly the most seediest looking places in Hong Kong with a crazy 4,000 people living in the one building! Its like a whole town or something enclosed in a concrete jungle.
HK in general, woahhh! So much stimuli! So many things happening around, people walking pass, things being bought and sold, so many restaurants and shops in any places, every nook and cranny. Everyone means business, whether its big or small.
Anyhow, just a little bit of an update.
Much love,
Maria Tran
FACEBOOK: Jackie Chan?
Quest for Jackie Chan! Urban Action Film Forum Video Upload

To come to think about it, I've been through quite a bit over the past 12 months since the inception of such a bizzare pet project. Still, there's much more to come, in particularly meeting the legend himself - Jackie Chan.
Finger crossed!
In the meantime, click on the image link to watch the event!
Quest for Jackie Chan! 9 days to Hong Kong Style!

It started out as a "what if?" idea that sprawled into a network of other ideas that grouped together as a crazy drive to see if a nobody like me can meet one of the world's most iconic action superstar - Jackie Chan.
I haven't met him yet. But boy...have I bumped into a host of extraordinary people who have! Seriously! The country of Australia is enriched with some exciting people from stuntspeople, academics, die hard fans, martial artists etc... who have contributed to my project via their interviews and also great support on my online initiatives (Redbubble & Fundbreak).
Now, I'm on a tight deadline - with only 9 days left, I've wrapped up my sideline job in Coffs Harbour, train tripped it back to Sydney to bid my parents farewell (and get the washing done) and flew to Melbourne for the final batch of interviews (Richard Norton, Chris Pang & Daniel Whyte) and film shoot. Then I'll be heading back to Sydney, only to prepare for my road trip to Canberra to score an interview with Benny The Jet.
I will then return to Sydney (wash and pack the clothes) and fly out to Hong Kong!
Stay tune....the adventure continues....
Quest for Jackie Chan! 3rd place at Metro Screen Pitching Competition

Quest for Jackie Chan! takes out 3rd place for the 2010 Metro Screen SPAA Pitching Competition! The project was selected out of over 70 submissions and was amongst the top 10 finalist competing for 3 prizes.
•Jiao Chen with 'Remembering Six-Four' – Transmedia documentary
•Brianna O’Donohue with 'Godsville' – Animated television sitcom
•Adam Lemmey with 'Creepy Weekly' – Children’s live-action television series
•Richard Attieh with 'Outback Skies' – Travel and adventure series
•Maria Tran with 'Quest for Jackie Chan' – Feature documentary
•Rick Viede with 'All the Way with Glace' – Transmedia project
•Julie Noever with 'The Kingdom' - Feature documentary
•Katie Hickson with 'Horse Talk TV' – Factual television series
•Shanon Wilson with 'Parita’s Journey' – Historical drama feature
•Roy Weiland with 'Barton the Ghost Catcher' - Children’s transmedia project
Good Pitch
by Cara Nash September 29, 2010 11:29 Edited September 29, 2010 11:31

The winners of the Metro Screen's SPAA Fringe Competition have been announced.
Metro Screen's SPAA Fringe Pitching Competition held September 28 saw ten unique projects pitched in front of seven industry leaders and a capacity audience.
The project which took out the top prize and is now representing Metro Screen at the national SPAA Fringe Pitching Competition on October 23 - an event designed to find the best projects in the country - is Roy Weiland with his children's transmedia project Barton the Ghost Catcher.
The project sees class weirdo Barton tormented by ghosts until he discovers he is the only person who can stop them and save the world.
"I'm really excited to pitch in front of the movers and shakers. To be put in front of them is why I do it. It's a long quest as a filmmaker, this is really amazing," Weiland said.
The winner of the SPAA Fringe Competition will then compete as one of only two finalists at the Holding Redlich Pitching Comp at the SPAA Conference in mid November. This winner will receive an airfare to the Cannes Film Festival or a TV market in 2010/11.
Second place on the night went to Julie Noever with her feature documentary The Kingdom and third place was awarded to Maria Tran for her feature documentary Quest for Jackie Chan.
Also highly recommended by the judges were Rick Viede's Transmedia project All the Way with Glace and Brianna O'Donohue's animated television sitcom Godsville.
The panel of judges included independent Producer Trish Lake whose credits include Gettin' Square and The Burning Season, Distribution Executive of Verve Entertainment David Dombrosky, and Megan Simpson Huberman who is Director of Creative and Enterprise Development at Screen Australia.
For more information on Metro Screen and the courses available, visit their website here. For more information on the SPAA Fringe Pitching Competition, click here.
Picture caption:Winner of Metro Screen's SPAA Fringe Pitching Competition, Roy Weiland.
Posted by Maria Tran at 4:26 AM
Labels: 2010 Metro Screen Pitching Competition, Barton the Ghost Catcher, Filmink, Maria Tran, Quest for Jackie Chan, Roy Weiland
Day 13 - Quest for Jackie Chan in Melbourne

I've met Pang on his past TWTWB party late last year, only to be reaquainted at the "Quest for Jackie Chan! Urban Action Film" launch early in August this year, featuring my mentor Antony Szeto.
Let me tell you, this guy has definitely fun and charisma brewing and is so utterly down-to-earth that you just couldn't imagine.
Anyhow, I thought I'd edit together a quick snippet vlog so you can preview what Q4JC was all about in Melbourne. Shout out to the Pang family for letting me stay over. You guys rock! :)

Also, the Quest for Jackie Chan! Ideas to Realities Workshop ran in the after session with a moderate turnout. All the best to the attendees and I hope you continue pursuing your dreams!
Day 12 - Quest for Jackie Chan in Melbourne
This time round I had a workshop as well as a list of interviewees to contribute their thoughts on the “Quest”. On the plate we have Van Thanh Rudd (political activist/ Kevin Rudd’s nephew), Chris Pang (“Tomorrow When the War Began”) and others which I will announce later on. This region will definitely will be as exciting and I can’t wait to get started.
I took some chill out time at West Airport’s Westfield Shopping Centre before heading over to a Laundromat in Brunswick to get my clothes washed and dryed.
I thought it was smart of me to change into new clothes to wash my current ones as well. Now, having no convienient change rooms around, I decided to pull over and changed my undergarments. Now here’s a lesson to be learnt. Two cops pulled over and came across to my vechicle. Having been told by friends that there has been cases where cops shot a suspect because they thought that they were about to pull a gun on them in response.
Hence, I froze. Underwear halfway and next thing you know I had to get out the vehicle and explain the situation not only to the cops, but also have a crowd of amused shopkeepers witnessing my predicament.
Day 11 - Quest for Jackie Chan in Adelaide
We wrapped up with a quick photoshoot and then myself Ben Teoh, Ben and Tommy headed out to grab a bit of grub before hitting our Quest for Jackie Chan! Adelaide Flashmobbing event at Hindmarsh Park.
The turnout was great. Approximately 30 eager enthusiast rocked up in their jeans and black top and Ben began distributing the Jackie Chan mask that was then incorporated in a series of flash mob exercises later.
I ran a couple of energisers to get everyone into the mood of fun, spontaneity and randomness and pretty soon everyone got the drift of the fun vibe that they had to harness to enjoy the event.
We then hit the streets around Rundall Mall and prepared for our a series of missions. They included running sneaking up on Chibo coffee buyers and orchestrating a Jackie Chan chant that broke out in a series of shouts, cheers and claps before dispersing back into the crowd. There was also “ghosting” which is following awkwardly close to passerbys. My favourite is when we interrupted tourists and photo takers by jumping into their photos causing confusion, fun and plenty of laughs.
Of course, we had the typical jeers from some onlookers who slip in comments that it was “weird” but I guess subconsciously one could wonder how much fun it is to be uninhibited and celebrate life with the power of spontaneity and fun.
The day started with an early 8am out of the house, heading to CANSA to run my workshop “Ideas to Realities” Workshop. The morning was slightly cloudy and cold but I had a good turn out of 8 eager beavers who made the commitment to having their lives enriched with new mind tools.
Somehow, I think 3 hours isn’t enough when it comes to the format of a workshop. Its went way too quick and people had a lot of off load and discuss as well. I just love the amount of storytelling each person presented as well as the host of interesting ideas and projects that they were developing along the way.
I drove around Adelaide for a bit before parking out a Christian Church and passing out due to exhaustion in the car. I was awoken an hour later by a young Christian and the next thing you know I was rocking it at one of their services. I just can’t help it, their song was so catchy and I couldn’t tell if it was something from video hit’s chart top 40.
Now, here’s the juicy bit. My newfound churchy friends then took their enthusiasm to the clubs and boy....did they know how to move! Instead of the conservative sways that I so envisioned appropriate in my head, these guys were pumping, krumping and wriggling in places that you don’t want to know. Lol!
I got home at 3am.
Day 10 - Quest for Jackie Chan in Adelaide
Gosh! I had over slept till 10am. All the lack of sleep has finally given way and made me force myself to take in an extra 2 hours before I began the day.
Today I really appreciate car hire. I couldn’t imagine the trip without it. It would have been super hard lugging around 8 kgs on the back and dragging 24 along the ground to places. Public transport would of sure killed me (or other people) if I pulled a Miss Congeniality and knock a couple with my lethal luggage.
So up again to the city to Master Leong’s studio for more yarns to be told and it ended up me being sent away as Master Leong was not yet ready. Oh dear....
I ended up hanging it the city, feeling such a loner for the next few hours until Cuong invited me to the University of Adelaide to check out his hip hop dance troop as they prepare for the public display on Saturday night.
We wrapped up and got home at 12 that night and I got to bed at 2am.
Day 9 - Quest for Jackie Chan in Adelaide
Jackie Chan’s film set was intricate and precise. They spent enormous amount of time with aspects of lighting, cinematography and of course, numerous takes!
Dr Groot played one of 8 imperialist guards and felt honoured to have flaunt a real British guard uniform and rifle. This contrasted his other experiences in the Chinese film industry, where props were very flimsy and low grade.
Wrapping up, he signed the Jackie Chan postcard and away I went to meet up with Master Leong of the Wing Chun & Tai Chi Academy in central Adelaide.
Master Leong introduces himself one of the family descendants of Grand Master Ip Man and continued his introduction with a hierarchy map of the who’s who of Wing Chun. He spoke about his journey setting up a martial arts dojo and the hardships of it, fending off competing rivals, triads and even the taxation office. Nevertheless, what he built is his pride a joy flaunts numerous students of the Adelaide region. So what did he think of Jackie Chan? Well, I believe less favourably. Master Leong referred to “negative energies” that surround Jackie Chan and that it is evident amongst the word of mouth generated by his colleagues.
Tough account, but it is a perspective thing right? I haven’t met Jackie so it really doesn’t matter to me. Master Leong then sent me away, telling me to return the next afternoon for I guess, more stories.
I wrapped up the day by heading to Parafield Gardens to my host family Banh for an Italian dinner and a good yarn to tell.