PREDICAMENTS: My Ultimate Financial Crisis...

Speaking of financial crisis... I'm about to experience another cycle. You might have known that since my Australia tour, I've hit literally rock bottom in terms of the piggy bank.

When the networks and production companies decided that a project of this calibre was just too "weird", "risky" and "unaustralian" I decided to step up and waved my voyage flag that "I will do it" and "I will prove that it can happen". "Anything is possible, right?". Little did I forsee the impact it had on my piggy bank (I worked in community arts, so I didn't have much to start off).

So I stretched what I had, and with a little help from the Fundbreaker supporters, I'm able to start the ignition.
Rock bottom phase 1 hit after the Australia tour. I quickly reacted by grappling any job I could grab - leading me to two months travelling across New South Wales representing Integral Energy.

I recovered enough funds for my second stage - Quest for Jackie Chan! - Hong Kong and booked in two month stay to get use to HK and also find ways to meet kingpin - Jackie Chan. I spent a good 10 days editing a snippet trailer, it was also the first time that I actually checked out what footage I had.

Anyhow, back to the financial crisis, I went through more problems, such as my money being stolen and now the last time I checked my $$$ are dwindling at an all time low that any accommodation costs would kills me for the rest of the 35 days left of HK stay.

* Yikes!

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