WEEKEND: 18 months since my last haircut

If anybody knows me, they would know that I'm all "dag" with a bold caplock. But this weekend I ventured 30 mins down south to Campbelltown to finally come face-to-face with those snippers. My buddy and "beauty mentor Sophea Moeln treated me to a good relaxing hair wash and treatment, cut and loosely curled on the house. Sophea can probably vouch for my "tomboyness" but I guess there's some commonalities this this foxy lady as she, herself, admit to being one in her earlier years.
I look up to her, she's down to earth yet daring and she is bloody hard working. From being a bikini model to now a full time business owner of "Design for Pleasure" she's definitely boldly independent, even with two very young kids of her own.

Let's recap the week. Its been hectic. Lots of work demands (juggling two jobs - coordination and school teaching) as well as keeping up with the connections all over Australia and some fantastic
film projects that are in the pipeline.

I had some deep and meaningful moments with some of film colleagues who were upfront, "Maria Tran! Start finishing the Quest for Jackie Chan!". Yes...I've procrastinated, knowing at the back of my head that the clock is ticking and that this project's bold, daring and adventurous nature will make it a hit. But of course, that all depends on me. I've been trying to get over some confidence issues lately.

There are times that I'm just overthinking the whole thing and just don't feel quite there to make it happen. Deep down, I'm afraid of failure and seeing that it will be my first feature film that I direct/write/ produce, it makes
me feel like I just want to crawl into a hole and die.

A good chat with Adrian Castro provided me with that wake up call. We ended Friday night with watching some more old school Jackie Chan snippets on you tube and it made me feel better that what I'm embarking on is actually quite unique. We brainstormed on some of the old school scenes and how the "Quest" can recreate some of it to pay homage to Jackie.

So in the next 7 days, I'm going to nut out the whole movie on paper. I have to do it once and for all. No fear.

WORK: Back at Information and Cultural Exchange (ICE)

After my 6 months of travels, I've settled back at my comfy workplace at Information & Cultural Exchange (ICE) as the Urban Cultures Program Coordinator. Until June, I'll be working on one of Australia's exciting projects and hosting two international artists.

If it wasn't for ICE, I don't think I would have sustained pursuing film, arts, and media. I'd probably be stuck in doing
something I didn't want or trying my hardest to make use of my psychology degree. I started out as a participant about 5 years ago in their film introductory workshops called
"Active Flix". This was run by Fatima Mawas and Fadia Abboud. Fatima since have left to pursue further studies in film school and Fadia is regularly contracted to work at this same organisation.

Anyhow, check out the new arts space that ICE lives out of. I simply love it! It so stimulates me to be creative and innovative.

Quest for Jackie Chan? Still working on it. My colleagues at ICE have been very supportive of my project from its inception in early 2010 and still continuing. Especially when I'm surrounded my filmmakers, media artists, marketing people etc... who are seriously always buzzing with innovation and edgy projects themselves.

To them, Quest for Jackie Chan! is more than any little gimmick, it may be another breakthrough project that cuts across the borders. This is particularly relevant, if Australia itself wants to break ground and connect across Asia (whether its films, arts, business, politics etc...). But I have to admit, the more the project and buzz develops, the harder it is to find sleep!

Every night I'm on the phone talking and discussing projects with a host of the connections (Lots from Melbourne and Darwin) that I've developed throughout the "Quest" in Australia. People and groups are wanting to plug into my head to figure out what the whole general direction is.

That's the beauty of this unfinished project. It is creating what I call "critical mass" of energy thinking about one thing "action film genre", hence, I'm able to share information and as well as learn about other people's projects and how to "cross wires".

Random Play at work: So cool! they have chairs made of cardboard!

THOUGHTS: Thinking of Law of Attraction

Before I start this blog, I just wanted to say thanks to all the people (David Lee, Naomi Lynch, Nghi Huynh, Kane Wilson, Martin Landauer, Ridwan Hassim, Quan Tran, Gentle Storm, Gary Phuong, Igor Breakenback & Daniel Whyte) who connected with my status update: Law of Attraction: What's your thoughts on it? Comment now! :) Monday at 2:09pm.

Your comments really got me thinking a bit more about "bigger picture" learning and how one spur of the moment thought can spark a whole different way of thinking.

I've been carrying my copy of "The Secret" around lately (to work, the gym and around the place. I haven't finished it though.) ever since my Melbourne-based film buddy Somchay Phakonkham has sent me a copy (even though he himself hasn't read it).

Its a handy little book and I guess essence of "The Secret" is the simple "Law of Attraction". Prior to this, I heard about this Law of Attraction in fleeting conversations about the metaphysical, but in general, its means "like attracts like" , positive thoughts brings positive results and negative thoughts brings negative outcomes.

Take for instance, if you thought out there the statement "I need more time" then you will continue to "need more time". So if you were to change this statement to "I will find more time", as in, you move away from focusing on it as a problem but more as a goal, then things will change.

In David Lee's response of "There is no such thing as true love!" Monday at 2:14pm, then apparently through the Law of Attraction, then this statement will continue to run true.

Nghi Huynh "If there is something you really want then your subconscious will work overtime to find opportunities for you to achieve it. That is why it almost seems like magic that you find just what you are looking for" Monday at 2:19pm.

I think so too with Nghi's comment. I don't know why, but like a year ago, I put it out there in the world that I wanted to meet Jackie Chan and through one thing after another, things all started connecting and opportunities showed around every corner from my Australia travels and even to Hong Kong, Beijing and China. Personally, I think if I really tried harder I could of met Jackie through my last visit to Hong Kong as I met so many people who were connected to him (personal and professional). But, my subconscious did hold back, somehow I felt the timing was off I started to delve into my own personal journey and to why I've come about to making the "Quest for Jackie Chan!".

The book, the concept and the facebook posting comments really changed my perceptions of my "inner and outer adventure", from just trying to prove a point to meet one of the world's recognisable superstar to more of a creative plight and a nation-wide wide platform and showcase of the independent filmmaking, multimedia and arts scene in Australia.

So my directions have changed, I want to make "Quest for Jackie Chan!" an epic movie. My apologies, I will make "Quest for Jackie Chan!" an epic movie.

Naomi D Lynch "Forget the details- dont be too hung up on exactly what, and let go of how and when... But if you can create, by visualisation and imagination, (just pretend!!) the way you will FEEL once you achieve/receive whatever it is you want, then you have a goal your subconscious can work with, and like Nghi says, you will recognise opportunities and take actions that will inexorably lead you towards it. :)" Monday at 2:36pm

Naomi's comment reminded about how I first started with the idea. But I'm sure everyone else have experienced it when you get so bogged by details of the "how is it going to happen" and bringing up an exhaustive list of how an idea won't happen. I mean, our society is geared towards the fear of failure, hence, ideas that are "deemed as far fetched" are often discouraged. But hey, how would have Thomas Edison invented electricity without some "What if" thinking.

Kane Wilson "...Now if humans were magnets we could all just stick together. But we don't! However some people are repelled.This may be a deodorant thing. In conclusion! I really have no bloody idea!" Monday at 6:27pm.

Kane's mention of some people "repelling" rings true to some of my experiences. I have come across people who I just simply cannot gel. Its not that they are a bad person or anything, I came to accept that people are diverse and can have different wavelengths. At times it can be frustrating to get them to see the "picture" of the project, but at the same time they are vital as they highlight unforeseen challenges that I will eventually have to confront.

Martin Landauer "Game theory seems more reliable." Monday at 6:48pm

Martin has a point. Law of Attraction suffers from the scientific perspectives. Its is a concept that is unfalsifiable and untestable and most evidence are all subjective, personal and story-based. I guess, we are living in a world where having control and the ability to replicate things are successful is important to maximise efficiency and productivity. It is a worldview perspective choice though, and I have to side with this comment:

Gary Phuong "....And it's easier when you feel good about yourself." Monday at 11:05pm

I definitely prefer to be seen a an agent of change rather than a bunch of swirling atoms randomly hanging around and waiting to be hit by a bunch of bigger swirling atoms (like a bus) or something.

Here are also some other to add:

Ridwan Hassim "If u believe it and see it and feel it and hear it, with great repetition, it becomes a reality." Monday at 7:17pm

Quan Tran "You can't runaway from it but time will tell how long it will last." Monday at 7:40pm

Gentle Storm "Laws are undeniable truth! Especially this one. ;p" Monday at 8:58pm

To keep things on a light note, this is Igor Breakenback's visual interpretation titled "Law of Attraction At Work".

I also got this awesome link from Melbourne-based actor/ martial artist Daniel Whyte (who's met Jackie Chan before) and he stars in the feature film "Being in Heaven", which is on the concept of Law of Attraction. Check out the trailer.

My final note, I think the Law of Attraction works for me. From thoughts, words to action, even in a simple facebook status, I'm able to map out people's thoughts, experiences and projects that has pretty much been the "Star Wars - Yoda" at this point in my life. Everything I've thought up has gone pretty much how I wanted, and all the people I've connected with are the "gold" in my life.

Thank you for everything!

Signing out,

Maria Tran