The plot follows the original except this time the move is from America to China allowing for a stronger cultural clash and the sharing of lifestyles. The Cobra Ki are replaced by a strongly disciplined kung fu school with a similar credo. Although beautifully shot, some of the scenes were nearly identical to the original, however it works well and brings back moments of nostalgia for some of us older members in the audience, while still being enjoyed by all the first timers.
Naturally it’s got really good fight sequences and some of the break falls the young actors are doing are very impressive, but I couldn’t help feeling bad when Jackie beats up a bunch of kids. I didn’t see him punch any of them in the face, so that was nice of him. It’s not all action though there is good character development with each having personal life issues. There is some more dramatic acting from Jackie that the die hard early film fans would be familiar with, and Jaden had even the toughest audience members holding back tears of empathy and pride.
A great Jackie film, but it doesn’t have the same intensity of stunts we have grown to expect from Jackie, but he has earned the right to not risk his life anymore. At his stage in his career it is acceptable to enjoy the memories of history and show the world that he is also a very skilled actor.
But we already know that… don’t we Jackie Chan fans.
Karate Kid is a fun action film reminding us, that if we face our fears and support others doing the same we can all be winners in life.
Go along and watch it, you will be entertained.
Keep up the Action" - Warren Coulton
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