Most students on their day off would like to spend that day relaxing, wasting the day away on facebook, sleeping in and procrastinating assignments. But me being the weird person I am decided to spend my day working on Quest for Jackie Chan!
Highlights of the day included sitting in a car Maria Tran who is trying to find parking but is so into talking about Quest for Jackie Chan, she doesn’t realised she’s doing happy laps around an empty car park. And discovery her amazing numerical skills, I hope remember everyone remembers that between the number 5 and 7 there is a number called the number 6, something Maria might have missed during her primary education. But it’s ok everyone has their flaws.
I spent my day going through the entire Quest for Jackie Chan Fan profiles on the website! So for all those people on the website I know who you are! You can’t hide from me! I’m kidding. But it is amazing that there are Jackie Chan fans are all over the world. We currently have 66 fan profiles, wait 65 because Maria can’t count, so keep them coming! So tell your family, coerce your friends into joining the ultimate quest and if they do it voluntarily even better!
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