DEFEATED: Jackie Chan flies out to US to meet Obama

Location: Beijing, China

Yes, I do feel like I'm chasing a dragon's tail. So many near encounters and yet, at this point in time, so far. But nevertheless, so many meetings with close JC personnels is quite an experience. I think at this point, communicating my project can be a little hard.

Quest for Jackie Chan has morphed into something quite hard to to describe. How do I explain "transmedia" in Chinese? What does global multiple levels of storytelling mean? Anyhow, my "quest" so far has added another dimension to my visions in the film realm. Of course it means I have to work harder, never sitting back to relax, just always keeping my momentum on high.

At this point in the project I have also learnt more about why JC has become more exclusive these days. After years of fans stalking, threats to staff, bizzare incidents, I think he's had enough and in his best interest to protect his staff, being exclusive is the way to go.

I was reading his official blog today as well. He is kind of like I would be like if I met him - Jackie Chan. In his blog he recollects dropping everything and heading over to Washington for a dinner with 4 presidents in one room, how he contemplated on bringing his panda icons into the White House and how excited he was. Exactly what I would be going through too if I met Jackie. I would bring Jackiebear along with me though.

So I guess this point in time, the "Quest" is wrapping up - without the meeting of Jackie Chan.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Maria Tran...
    You will NEVER be defeated. Look at where this project has brought you, and where it's come from. You have done an amazing job and the quest has become something far bigger and wider-reaching than I think anyone could imagine.
    The people you've met, connections made, experiences had and things learned, not just about Jackie, but the industry, transmedia and dare I say yourself ... All these things YOU have done and I am thrilled to even acknowledge let alone be a part of this epic journey of yours. I feel you have discovered more than JC on this quest and you have it in you to keep going and growing. And you have my continued support from this little hamlet here in the UK.
    May I be so bold as to say that you are the most influential and inspirational person I have ever met and I want to tell you to keep pushing and believing in yourself.
    And I'd give anything to hear you say the word 'project' as only you can. ;)

    Keep it up. Much love.

