UPDATES: "Quest"

Loads of work whirring at lightning speed and its been quite a funky challenge. I spent the last 10 days renovating my new little Quest for Jackie Chan! office (back of mum's bakery) with loads of painting, cleaning, moving and building things to accommodate the ever growing film project paper work, props, and large wardrobe and collection of wigs.

The next few days I'll be decking it our with white boards, pin ups, signage and of course, doing the final cast call outs for one major acrobatic fight display that I've written into the film.

There's definitely growing interest amongst the film community and once I've locked down who's who, then I can start pairing them up working in different scenes of the movie project.

To add to the transmedia experience, those who are in on the bandwagon are encouraged to develop their own voice through blogging, photologging, vlogging and other social media components. Just simply being an actor or a camera operator is not enough. For those who think I need them and my call out for talent is exploitation, well, I guess they are not visionary enough to see the bigger picture; and so I won't be able to accommodate them.

My priority isn't meeting Jackie Chan (even though he is one of the most awesome person in the world), but to test my own will, push the boundaries and most importantly, seeking likeminded individuals and groups, that I will want to work with in future. So far, in my journeys, its been full of friggin' rocks, but I believe without them, I would of still been in my little snail shell, twiddling my thumbs and just doing whatever.

But at this moment in my life, juggling 3 jobs at once, waking up 8am and finishing at 3am (I feel like I'm going to die sometimes), I feel the drive, I feel the inner venture, I crave to watch, to be inspired by every little thing in life and bit by bit, discover other hidden talents that will join me on my journey of making as EPIC a no-budget production can ever be.

I must admit, I have been very short fused though. Less waffly, but yet less tolerant of waffly people. I've had a string of people who articulate on wanting to be an actor and/or filmmaker who keep saying they don't have the time. Or the classic, "I just want to make it" scenario. That is simply way too vague and does not amount to anything. Hence, I've been spending heaps of alone time and of course, there's work at ICE.

In the last two months, I've been so privileged to have worked with Yassin Alsalman (Aka "The Narcicyst") and multimedia visual arts extraordinare Sundus Abd Hadi. These two are such such great people with a powerful influence in what they think, say and do. There's this element of clarity and universality in the way they see the world and the transmedia ways their activist works have inspired others to see change in their very own life.

No its not a cult, I'm just describing these two. Its hard to explain when you meet people who have an extraordinary energy in them. Yassin's mindset is solid as concrete, and he embraces his own changes, whilst Sundus has a geniune lovely vibe about her; even to the point that I get a bit of worried that I can't reciprocate.

They are both leaving tomorrow. I'm sure going to miss them both. Which takes me to the end of my contract at ICE as an Urban Cultures Program Coordinator, into an Mobile Expressions Workshop Trainer, and then the week after, into my new role on board SBS's 1.7 mil TV series as a full-time associate producer attachment. Everything come in oddly good timing. I was beginning to wish to gain more experience on understanding how big legit budgets and funding works and wanted to set myself right straight after the "Quest" film project. At the end of the day, I can't live off no-budget productions and eventually want to get to a level that I can co-direct and act in my own TV series or feature film.

So when I do start my contract, weekdays will be working at the office on TV series while weekends will be scheduled for the "Quest" shoots. There's still much more to do. Initially I was going to cut up the feature with the footage that I've got, which would have worked out anyways. After an injection of ambition and boundary pushing, the "Quest" will be a wacko of a movie. If I'm haunted every night on it, it means something.

In the meantime, I'm still looking for people to join in to help the "Quest" out. My first shoot is the 4th of June, 2011 and shoots will be scheduled every weekend till August. I'm looking for 10 male martial arts/parkour/ acrobatics for a blast to the past 80s HK fight scene 16th/ 17th July, 2011 (TBC), shooting in Fairfield.

Signing out,

Maria Tran

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