I've recently delved into writing for the sake of my long term project "Quest for Jackie!". I've been squirming away from it for a long time but my recent meet up of first film mentor, Fadia Abboud, who was outwardly shocked that I haven't even scripted it was evident.
Yes. I'm kind of backwards with this project and now have to pull my act together and set the record straight.
I must write!
But that was easily said than done. After 2 hours of desk cleaning, three large coffees, throwing pegs at the balcony pigeons and googling images of Takeshi Kaneshiro, my screen remains blank.
This happened for four days straight and I was becoming desperate. It was such an annoying experience, I knew the story, I knew what I want, but it didn't come out. Each time I'm about to commit to an action, a little gremlin inside would be snarling and hissing and telling me I don't know what I'm talking about.
So what’s with this W.B? How does it come about?
Here’s some of my discoveries. It can come about when you start writing. I guess if you are not intending to ever write, then you won’t get it.
But I’ve made a decision that writing it a very significant skill that I must develop now, and for the future.
It’s conditions does vary, from a trivial matter to one that would take years to get over.
The course may come from within, such as the creative running out of inspiration, or they may feel distracted like they have to do something beforehand.
External factors include those that impact on the creative’s life or career: illness, deaths, relationship breakdowns, financial crisis etc…
Then there’s the perception thing, writers may feel the pressures of writing “perfection” and are just waiting for the right moments to feel confident to begin.
So what are some if the remedies? I can’t pinpoint one as such, but recently, facebook friend Kevin Lai responded to my outward cries of “Writer’s block” with good link for people to check out. http://www.theartistsway.com/pdfs/basictools.pdf
Morning Pages: A daily exercise where you begin the day by writing 3 pages of nothing, something, and anything. It is a stream of consciousness that comes out onto your paper, regardless of how you feel and what you think. This exercise is suppose to be a creativity recovery and breaks down our internal censorship mechanisms so that we can think freely.
Our censorship centre is all that negative whingey, whining garble that makes us literally feel crap and deters us from our basic random fun instincts.
Unfortunately, the world encourages this mode of thinking because imposed fear on people allows them to be more easily controlled and society in one consensus way of thinking makes things run much smoother. Or so we think.
I’ve just recently started using this technique and already feeling the blocks moving and the words slowly flowing through. I taught it to the HSC high school kids today and they see the benefits in it as well.
i know what you mean i get a similar feeling except in my case its artist's block. and it's a real pain in the bum.