In light of the Quest of Jackie Chan! I’ve have updated my redbubble account to hosting Jackie Chan! Shirts going for $30. This is really for those are really really want one shirt but can’t get a hold of me to grab a shirt.
For those who wanna get my hand silk screen printed shirts that were made in my sweat shop turned two bedroom unit (Boy! Mum ain’t happy when she sees that I’ve clogged up with sink with paint.). It's only $15!
In honesty, for every three shirt I print I’ve probably killed one due my negligence somehow. The most common bloopers include not squeezing the paint down properly, accidentally splodges on the sleeves, not drying it probably and throwing straight into the dryer hence it comes with paint splattered all over the other shirts. But I guess it makes each hand print shirt so special :p.
My physical store is at:
Swan Bakery,
Its actually my mum’s hot bread shop but, she being so supportive of her “crazy” daughter campaign that she’s dedicated a shirt fitting room for me at the back. Gee…I love my Mum!.
I'll also be send one to Jackie Chan and his lovely assistant Victoria in the coming days. Fingers crossed that they will wear it and twitter!
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